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“I love the removable transmitter.* I’m clumsy, things happen - I can bump into something, take my shirt off too fast, or I can be crazy in the gym. If the corner of the adhesive starts to peel up or something happens, I just put the transmitter back or use a new adhesive. It doesn’t stop my whole life.”


“The accuracy that I get from Eversense and the predictive alerts allows me to really maintain that time in-range, and I’ve seen that improve year over year as I continue to use the product.”


“My daily life has changed having Eversense. When I travel, I just grab my stuff and go. I don’t have to think about packing [sensors] when I leave.” 


“Two words: Life changing. Having Eversense, I am less anxious, I’m much more productive, and I’m much happier.”


*There is no glucose data generated when the transmitter is removed

The Eversense® E3 Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System is indicated for continually measuring glucose levels for up to 180 days in persons with diabetes age 18 and older. The system is indicated for use to replace fingerstick blood glucose (BG) measurements for diabetes treatment decisions. Fingerstick BG measurements are still required for calibration primarily one time a day after day 21, and when symptoms do not match CGM information or when taking medications of the tetracycline class. The sensor insertion and removal procedures are performed by a health care provider. The Eversense E3 CGM System is a prescription device; patients should talk to their health care provider to learn more. For safety information click here.

Eversense, Eversense E3 Continuous Glucose Monitoring and the Eversense logo are trademarks of Senseonics, Incorporated. Ascensia, and the Ascensia Diabetes Care logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Ascensia Diabetes Care Holdings AG. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners and are used solely for informative purposes. No relationship or endorsement should be inferred or implied.

Apple Watch® is a product of Apple, Inc., and may be separately purchased from an authorized Apple retailer. Apple Watch is not included with the Eversense CGM System. Android is a trademark of Google LLC.